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Community Education and Empowerment

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Program outcome: Over 500 women impacted so far.

The ongoing armed conflict, socio-economic and political crises in local communities in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in many families and displaced persons going for days or weeks without a good balanced diet.  

Our organization (having one of its objectives to improve upon the living status of the population through sustainable agriculture) came up with this program to train women on nutrition and food processing with the following on the agenda:-

  • Nutritional needs provision
  • Diversification of food production
  • Storage, processing and preparation 
  • Food hygiene
  • Sensitization campaigns including extra focus on nursing mothers and babies,  and more. 

This program started since 2020 and at least 500 Women in the Bamenda Central Sub- Division have been trained so far. So far success has been registered as majority of women trained practice plant and household animal production to ameliorate nutrition. This program is ongoing though cannot be sustained due to lack of the financial and material resources.

Our Programs.