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Community Education and Empowerment

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The Covid-19 pandemic brought a lot of untold hardship to the population, coupled with the socio-economic and political crises in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon, making the situation hardly bearable in many communities.

This is because created too much of a burden and adversely affected the economic and social life of the people. Farmers could not carry out their daily businesses and as such families were unable to feed their families or even pay for basic health services. The Covid-19 did not only cause unbearable hardship on the population but caused a lot of deaths.

Business people could not carryout their activities as usual and this led to high level a lot of health challenges and families could not afford for basic health services since they had no means.

The education of children was also affected as most parents withdrew their children from school because they did not understand what was actually Covid-19, how to prevent and leave with the disease or with a person suffering from it. The rate of death from other diseases increase because the society turned to stigmatize and person with any given symptoms, the lack of means to go to the hospital due to so many lock downs and the means to get basic drugs.

The organization could not stay silent or indifferent for it has as main objective to improve upon the lives of the population through community development. A community cannot develop when the population is dying or suffering from poor health.

 A health campaign was therefore organized on the 22nd of June to sensitize/ Create Awareness on the COVID 19 Pandemic, Cholera and others diseases. The organization focused on preventive measures and in all the places that they went to, the people were educated on what Covid-19 is, how to prevent it (which is the best way to avoid it and of no or little cost), how to detect the signs and symptoms and how to leave with a patient and even take care of one since the hospitals had no space and patients were asked to confine themselves at home. This out door activity was carried out in Churches, schools, meeting houses, Bars and Restaurants, etc. Hand sanitizers  worth 250 liters were also distributed to them. In the course of this activity, the organization realized that the population needs health campaigns for other diseases like malaria, cholera, typhoid, Diabetes and Hypertension. This is another project that the organization is planning to carry out. 

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